Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Can You Support Your Breasts During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is certain that the breasts get swollen and bigger to the extent that it discomforts. Putting on a supportive bra during pregnancy helps you greatly to gain your comfort back, most especially bra without wire or maternity (mother care) bra helps you remain comfortable even at night.

Exercise during pregnancy requires a strong and supportive exercise bra especially if your breasts have grown a cup size or two. Some women end up wearing two or more bras to reduce their discomfort especially during exercise but that I think is not the best.

When you find out that your breasts returns to their normal pre-pregnancy size and at times smaller than before, do not panic for it is the normal process and a common side effect of pregnancy. It is pregnancy that causes all these changes that occur in the breast instead of breastfeeding.

Though, wearing of bras makes one feel comfortable during pregnancy, you have to look for a supportive bra that will allow a little room for breasts growth because your breast will likely grow larger when your milk comes in during the first few days after pregnancy.

If you plan to exercise during pregnancy you'll also want a strong and supportive exercise bra, particularly if your breasts have grown a cup size or two. Some women resort to wearing two bras to reduce their discomfort while exercising. Most women will survive on two or three bras during pregnancy and thereafter. You may find you need to have a couple of different sizes handy as your breasts grow, change and develop during and after your pregnancy.

Most women find their breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size and sometimes a bit smaller after pregnancy. This is perfectly normal and a common side effect of pregnancy, not breastfeeding. It is pregnancy rather than breastfeeding that actually causes all of these changes to occur in the breasts.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What Happens To The Breasts During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy time is the period human body undergoes many remarkable changes like weight gain, skin changes, the growth of the uterus ten times than its normal size, and the changes in the breast. But among all these changes during pregnancy, women are often amazed by the changes that occur in their breast.

Breast changes is one of the earliest signs experienced in early pregnancy, though many believed that the breast is not fully matured until a woman is given birth and produced milk.

Meanwhile, the areola that is the dark areas of the skin that surround the nipples begins to swell followed by the breast itself. The swelling, pain, tingling and soreness of both the nipple and the breast are because of the growth of the formation of more lobules and growth of the milk duct.

Breast soreness is common as early as the first few weeks after conception that is why some women are liken the changes to those that occur before menstruation while some starts noticing breast tenderness from four to six weeks of their pregnancy but no matter how it occurs, the sensation lasts throughout the first trimester of the pregnancy.

The breast is fully capable of producing milk by the 6th month of the pregnancy thereby giving room for many hormones to play their roles in milk production. Breast itching also occurs as the breast grows larger preparing milk for your baby after delivery.

In some women, their breast grows larger through the pregnancy but in some, their breast grow just a cup size especially with their first child but disappointment and surprises emerges when the breast did not change much during subsequent pregnancies.
The nipple appears larger and the veins in your breast more prominent in the six to eight weeks of your pregnancy. It is normal because the volume of blood circulation in the body increases throughout the pregnancy.

Some women finds out that their breast begins to leak at the early time in their third trimester of pregnancy. If this is your case, consider yourself lucky, all you need to do is to use nursing pad to remedy the situation.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How Do You Handle Breast Tenderness During Menstruation

Most women have breast tenderness during menstruation, which can disturb virtually every part of your body and may increase if not given necessary attention. It is very important for all women to understand the nature of their breast during menstruation so as to handle it more effectively.

Breast tenderness during menstruation causes discomfort and unsettled mind to you as a woman. As healthy nutrition implies changes in lifestyle so as exercise program is recommended to breast tenderness. Not only that, natural treatment like alternative medicine is also good in handling breast tenderness most especially during menstruation.

As hormonal imbalance is the most probable cause for breast tenderness during menstruation periods, the first step is to ensure your body has the support it needs to maintain good hormonal levels. The best way to go should be to start with a healthy nutrition and maybe follow a hormonal imbalance treatment such as alternative medicine.

Putting on a good bra that can hold your breast very tight also helps in handling breast tenderness during menstruation in the sense that the bra, which will tighten the breast a bit to avoid much heaviness and pain.

Again, maintaining healthy amount of hormone in your body is also important by combining therapies such as alternative medicine and also lifestyle approaches for it helps you to manage your breast tenderness.

In conclusion, that your friend or a close relation is not having breast tenderness during menstruation and you are having it does not mean that you have any breast problem. It is good for you as a woman to study your body and know all that transpires in each cycle, then bear in mind that not all breast tenderness that is problem but if it persists after menstruation seek your physician advise.
