Thursday, November 29, 2007

Breast During Menopause

Menopause can be defined as the end of menstruation. It is also refers to as the period that ends the female reproductive phase of life. In this time of menopause, the woman’s monthly cycle of menstruation ceases forever and the level of hormones produces by the ovaries decreases immensely.

Menopause starts at the age of late 40s and early 50s. By this time the level of estrogen and progesterone begins to rise and fall with levels of estrogen vividly decreasing, which leads to lots of symptoms commonly associate with menopause.

With this reduction in the stimulation by estrogen to all tissues of the body including the breast tissue, the glandular tissue of the breasts reduces. This occurs because without estrogen, the connective tissue of the breast becomes dehydrated and inelastic and the breast tissue that was prepared to produce milk loses shape and shrinks, which leads to the drooping or sagging of the breast and it is common among women at their late 40’s and early 50’s.

The case of women who are on hormone replacement therapy is difference because they may experience some of the premenstrual breast symptoms as they experienced while menstruating during menopause, and breast tenderness and swelling may be inclusive. Notwithstanding, there is no reverse of a sagged breast before menopause with any type of hormone replacement therapy.

In other words, pain, tenderness or soreness in the breast can also occur during menopause. It can start in a generalized discomfort and pain associated with touching or application of pressure to the breast. All women are advised to consult a doctor if the pain is severe and persisted for some months.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Can You Support Your Breasts During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is certain that the breasts get swollen and bigger to the extent that it discomforts. Putting on a supportive bra during pregnancy helps you greatly to gain your comfort back, most especially bra without wire or maternity (mother care) bra helps you remain comfortable even at night.

Exercise during pregnancy requires a strong and supportive exercise bra especially if your breasts have grown a cup size or two. Some women end up wearing two or more bras to reduce their discomfort especially during exercise but that I think is not the best.

When you find out that your breasts returns to their normal pre-pregnancy size and at times smaller than before, do not panic for it is the normal process and a common side effect of pregnancy. It is pregnancy that causes all these changes that occur in the breast instead of breastfeeding.

Though, wearing of bras makes one feel comfortable during pregnancy, you have to look for a supportive bra that will allow a little room for breasts growth because your breast will likely grow larger when your milk comes in during the first few days after pregnancy.

If you plan to exercise during pregnancy you'll also want a strong and supportive exercise bra, particularly if your breasts have grown a cup size or two. Some women resort to wearing two bras to reduce their discomfort while exercising. Most women will survive on two or three bras during pregnancy and thereafter. You may find you need to have a couple of different sizes handy as your breasts grow, change and develop during and after your pregnancy.

Most women find their breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size and sometimes a bit smaller after pregnancy. This is perfectly normal and a common side effect of pregnancy, not breastfeeding. It is pregnancy rather than breastfeeding that actually causes all of these changes to occur in the breasts.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What Happens To The Breasts During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy time is the period human body undergoes many remarkable changes like weight gain, skin changes, the growth of the uterus ten times than its normal size, and the changes in the breast. But among all these changes during pregnancy, women are often amazed by the changes that occur in their breast.

Breast changes is one of the earliest signs experienced in early pregnancy, though many believed that the breast is not fully matured until a woman is given birth and produced milk.

Meanwhile, the areola that is the dark areas of the skin that surround the nipples begins to swell followed by the breast itself. The swelling, pain, tingling and soreness of both the nipple and the breast are because of the growth of the formation of more lobules and growth of the milk duct.

Breast soreness is common as early as the first few weeks after conception that is why some women are liken the changes to those that occur before menstruation while some starts noticing breast tenderness from four to six weeks of their pregnancy but no matter how it occurs, the sensation lasts throughout the first trimester of the pregnancy.

The breast is fully capable of producing milk by the 6th month of the pregnancy thereby giving room for many hormones to play their roles in milk production. Breast itching also occurs as the breast grows larger preparing milk for your baby after delivery.

In some women, their breast grows larger through the pregnancy but in some, their breast grow just a cup size especially with their first child but disappointment and surprises emerges when the breast did not change much during subsequent pregnancies.
The nipple appears larger and the veins in your breast more prominent in the six to eight weeks of your pregnancy. It is normal because the volume of blood circulation in the body increases throughout the pregnancy.

Some women finds out that their breast begins to leak at the early time in their third trimester of pregnancy. If this is your case, consider yourself lucky, all you need to do is to use nursing pad to remedy the situation.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How Do You Handle Breast Tenderness During Menstruation

Most women have breast tenderness during menstruation, which can disturb virtually every part of your body and may increase if not given necessary attention. It is very important for all women to understand the nature of their breast during menstruation so as to handle it more effectively.

Breast tenderness during menstruation causes discomfort and unsettled mind to you as a woman. As healthy nutrition implies changes in lifestyle so as exercise program is recommended to breast tenderness. Not only that, natural treatment like alternative medicine is also good in handling breast tenderness most especially during menstruation.

As hormonal imbalance is the most probable cause for breast tenderness during menstruation periods, the first step is to ensure your body has the support it needs to maintain good hormonal levels. The best way to go should be to start with a healthy nutrition and maybe follow a hormonal imbalance treatment such as alternative medicine.

Putting on a good bra that can hold your breast very tight also helps in handling breast tenderness during menstruation in the sense that the bra, which will tighten the breast a bit to avoid much heaviness and pain.

Again, maintaining healthy amount of hormone in your body is also important by combining therapies such as alternative medicine and also lifestyle approaches for it helps you to manage your breast tenderness.

In conclusion, that your friend or a close relation is not having breast tenderness during menstruation and you are having it does not mean that you have any breast problem. It is good for you as a woman to study your body and know all that transpires in each cycle, then bear in mind that not all breast tenderness that is problem but if it persists after menstruation seek your physician advise.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Causes Breast Tenderness During Menstruation?

Breast tenderness is common breast symptom a woman should have. It is not usually a assign of breast cancer but pain or discomfort in the breast that comes due to menstruation or pregnancy.

Breast tenderness during menstruation is normal in every woman. It is been caused by various factors, as unbalanced level of estrogen hormones is the main cause of breast tenderness during menstruation in the sense that during the cycle, progesterone and estrogen levels vary in different ways.

In a normal situation, if the estrogen is down, the progesterone will be up and the breast increases in size but hormone imbalance alters this cycle making the breast to increase the more and to cause more pains too. This means that breast tenderness and pains occurs when the estrogen levels increases more than that of progesterone.

In some women the pain may not be there and may be mild in others, no matter how it comes, no very well that body differs from others, you will not use what you are feeling to compare with what others are feeling just bear in mind that as a woman’s breast gets swell and becomes tender and painful during menstruation, another woman’s breast becomes mild and no pain or discomfort.

Conclusively, to avoid this symptom, maintaining a healthy hormone level is very important since the most common cause of breast tenderness during menstruation is unbalanced amount of estrogen hormone. The question that will arise in your mind now is how on earth should I maintain this hormone. Check out our next article to actually know how this should be maintained.

Friday, September 21, 2007

What Are Changes That Occur To The Breast During Menstruation

The word menstruation can be defined as the physiologic discharge that comes through the vagina of blood from the uterus; it is controlled by a hormone and normally reoccurs approximately in four weeks interval if there is absence of pregnancy during the reproductive period of every woman. It is also a monthly flow of blood which comprises two third of blood that includes the unfertilized egg.

Breast tenderness is can be defined as soreness, discomfort, swelling pain that occurs in the breast, which is normal during menstrual periods. It can also be experience during pregnancy and breast feeding. Though comes with much discomfort but comes to normal at the end of the menstrual period.

In every month, a woman experiences the fluctuation in hormones that make up the cycle. These hormones are responsible for the changes your body such as pain, tenderness and swelling of breast before menstruation. A change in breast texture is also experienced during menstruation thereby making the breast to feel lumpy in most women. This can be turn to worst if not given necessary attention by taking time to study your body and understand the breast tenderness so as to deal with it effectively.

In most cases, while some women experience breast pain and discomfort before or after their menstruation, some start theirs during ovulation and this pain continues till their period starts again. However it comes, it is common and usual for a woman’s breast to feel sensitive before menstruation.

My advise to you if your breast pain becomes unbearable before or after menstruation, see your doctor because birth control pills are prescribed a times to help to reduce this tenderness or some drugs like paracetamol or Ibrofen may be of a great help.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What Are The Normal Things While Your Breast Develops

Human females are said to be the only females who develop full breast long before they are to nurse their baby making breast development to be vital in all part of reproduction in the life of human females.

As a woman, you breast must undergo many changes especially during menstruation and finally when you gets to menopause age. But before then your breast develops to states through out your life as a woman. For instance, before you were born, continues to puberty state and again during the childbearing age, finally at you menopause age.

Notwithstanding, note that all kinds of development and changes that take place are related to age and are normal provided that no deadly disease is been formed at the process. The phases of these developments are lobule, which takes place between 10-25yrs, glandular, which is under the influence of menstruation and occurs between 13-45yrs of age and shrinkage of the milk ducts which begins from the age of 35.

In other words, when you notice that your two breasts are not equal maybe one is bigger than the other; you need not to panic for it is completely normal to have one of your breasts different in size from the other. Most women do entertain fear when this type of thing is been noticed, anyway you can see your doctor otherwise it is natural and there is nothing to worry about that.

Finally, as a young woman or girl, you may notice that as soon as your breasts starts to grow, it will be very tender, itch a lot and hurts too. What you are experiencing is normal, in the sense that the hormone that causes your breasts to start budding and the new tissue is very tender at the initial. All you need to do is to get yourself a bra which will help to reduce the pain for it may last for a period of one year.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When Does My Breast Development Begin?

As a young woman or a girl, breast development may begin at your early age or late age that is between 13 years or there about। In this aspect age does not matter, what matters is that as a girl and woman to be the process has already started।

The proper state of breast development starts 5 to 6 weeks of fetal development with the thickening of mammary ridge, which extends to the groin and makes the solid columns of the cells to form from each breast bud with each column becoming a separate sweat gland। And in each of this breast bud, there is separate duct leading to the nipple. The column becomes hollow by the final month of development and by the time a female infant nipples and beginning of milk duct have already formed.

As soon as a girl or young woman approaches adolescence, the first and immediate outward signs of breast development begin to appear। Your breast as a girl or young woman begins to enlarge as soon as your ovaries begin to secrete fat in the connective tissue and the duct system also begins to grow. In other words, breast changes are also accompanied by the appearance of pubic hair and hair under the arms.

Immediately menstruation and ovulation begins, breast development comes to maturity with the formation of some glands (secretary) at the end of the milk duct। The growth and maturity of the breast including the duct system continues with the development of many glands and this varies greatly from every girl or young woman.

Conclusively, breast development varies from a girl or young woman to the other, you should not adhere to your friend’s advice or feelings using such to compare to your own feelings. All you need to do is to study and listen to your own body and comply with any changes noticed.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Breast Development Joy and Issues

It is always an exciting time that comes with worries for a teenager to see her breast growing. Worries in the sense that you will be wondering, what people will say and how big the breast will finally look like. To the extent that some teenagers put on several cloths to make sure that the breast did not show as soon as it came out but that is for a short time.

In every life, there is a time of puberty and in this time, the development of tender breasts occurs. So breast development can be said to be the first sign of puberty in a girl and young woman. You may have a teenager or young woman that develops breast at her early age i.e. 7-8yrs and some that develop at the age of 13 and there about. The age does not matter because it all depends on the biological trait which informs a teenager’s or young woman’s body to produce some high level of female hormones. Breast sizes vary among females, some are big while some are small and the shape too, no matter the sizes or shapes they are all normal and healthy.

The breast undergoes 5 stages of growth within 5 to 6 years and reaches full maturity at the age of 17 to 18 years. There is no muscle tissue in the breast that is why no amount of exercise makes it bigger or smaller. The breast is made up of fat and connective tissue, milk glands and ducts. In a young woman and teenager, the breast tissue is dense and firm, and then becomes softer and fatty with age.

It is normal of a teenager and young woman to develop or have breast since a woman’s breast produces milk for her baby and often breast is viewed as a symbol of sexual attractiveness and femininity.
