Friday, September 21, 2007

What Are Changes That Occur To The Breast During Menstruation

The word menstruation can be defined as the physiologic discharge that comes through the vagina of blood from the uterus; it is controlled by a hormone and normally reoccurs approximately in four weeks interval if there is absence of pregnancy during the reproductive period of every woman. It is also a monthly flow of blood which comprises two third of blood that includes the unfertilized egg.

Breast tenderness is can be defined as soreness, discomfort, swelling pain that occurs in the breast, which is normal during menstrual periods. It can also be experience during pregnancy and breast feeding. Though comes with much discomfort but comes to normal at the end of the menstrual period.

In every month, a woman experiences the fluctuation in hormones that make up the cycle. These hormones are responsible for the changes your body such as pain, tenderness and swelling of breast before menstruation. A change in breast texture is also experienced during menstruation thereby making the breast to feel lumpy in most women. This can be turn to worst if not given necessary attention by taking time to study your body and understand the breast tenderness so as to deal with it effectively.

In most cases, while some women experience breast pain and discomfort before or after their menstruation, some start theirs during ovulation and this pain continues till their period starts again. However it comes, it is common and usual for a woman’s breast to feel sensitive before menstruation.

My advise to you if your breast pain becomes unbearable before or after menstruation, see your doctor because birth control pills are prescribed a times to help to reduce this tenderness or some drugs like paracetamol or Ibrofen may be of a great help.

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